React quickly after you lose the ball
You can look at defending as an offensive approach of a style of play. Winning the ball and transforming to a fast attack is a modern and effective way to put the opponent team in imbalanced situation. Players’ individual decision to put close and aggressive pressure to the player with the ball must be recognized and followed by his teammates. Quick reaction after loosing possession is crucial to be able to succeed. If you don’t win the ball in your first attempt, your reaction can put the player under pressure and force him to make a mistake.
Today’s main session was to create various situations where the defender has to take the ball from a receiver upon his first contact with the ball. In this situation, the defender has to decide according to his positioning, whether he will press close or delay and not rush to miss a tackle. Putting players in different positions and approaching from a various angles gave players precious experience and learning from this practice.
Lecture was dedicated to the lows of the game presented from our special guest Mr Mario Pisani, ex referee and currently referees’ observer. Mr Mario’s interesting and educational speech was excepted with a great attention from the audience who had many questions from their own time experience. Our guest prepared a practical situations on the pitch that were self explanatory and more than useful for our players.
We thank Mr Pisani for his time and dedication, and wish him easy job in the future.