Play hard, play to win, have fun!
Yet another busy week at the camp is summed up. Team play topic, filled with lot of information and practical assignments to learn and practice; definitely will be continued with focus on details and more complex variations both in attack and defense. Dedicated work with patience and understanding is the only way to improve performance with such an objective. And if you are satisfied with the earned so far, new options will show up and more situations to develop. Therefore, for coaches and teams, this is the topic that is the most interesting and inspirational as it gives everybody a chance to express themselves and discover their full potential. Knowhowsoccer coaching team is motivated to prepare modified program for the upcoming week as a progression on everything achieved so far.
At the camp we didn’t forget our birthday celebrants and we organized the event in their honor. And we didn’t change the sport, we changed the discipline. It was a water football. Only who was present can describe the atmosphere and amount of fun and joy from all the kids. We are sharing just a bit of atmosphere – enjoy the gallery!