Football is the game of scoring – create opportunities
Observation is important as much as good training session. Analyzing your work makes you aware of your improvement during the session. Positive moments and situations where the progress is needed in coming days, should be addressed closely.
End of the week is the time when we round up work done and evaluate success. We learned that football is the game of scoring goals so we trained how to create opportunities and react when you get into it. We trained shooting technique, practiced finishing skills and worked on the confidence with the aim to take chances rather then to retreat. Visualizing possibilities for the skills’ improvement as well as career in whole helped us to understand French born soccer manager Mr Mikael KI who was our special guest.
Hungry for knowledge, we were discovering football science looking closely into the injuries prevention and what is needed to lower the risk of getting injured. Mr Karl DePasquale, specialist in this area, who is working with many football clubs, guided us through the topic with the valuable information.
Knowhowsoccer team concluded the week with the specific observation of particular skill covered through the week – speed of a shot. Fun and competition are the best way for the great finale and to go for the well deserved brake.
Every week our players are growing to the more complete athletes ready for the next challenges to come.